Mental Disorders

Our Brain and How to Take Care of It

In the past, the brain was viewed as an organ made up of cells, and once we understand those cells, we understand the brain… But our understanding of the brain began to change.

In the following years, scientists began to understand the brain based on other foundations, so they began to say: The brain is made up of pieces (lobes), each lobe is a huge collection of interconnected nerve cells, and this is similar to our perception of a computer, motherboard, graphics card, sound card, memory… and so on.

The first and second perceptions gave utmost importance to the nerve cell, and this is wise, but it is not enough. Now, science has begun to view the brain as a group of interconnected nerve cells. The active, developed, and driving force of the brain is the Connectome, i.e. the nerve communication units that bring together several cells from more than one lobe!

But what is the importance of this perception? Its importance is that it is a cross-lobular vision, which gives the impression that:

If a group of cells deteriorates in capabilities and function and this leads to their atrophy, this will affect, not only the cells in their surroundings, but most of the brain, because the brain is connected by Connectomes – which are clustered neural entanglements, and if the matter is reversed, there is improvement and prosperity for some cells in the body, and stability in others, then this prosperity will be reflected in most of the brain, the interconnected entanglement, and this is what happens in the treatment of depression, and in sports and in good food and good prayer, good meditation and memorization and occupational therapy… all of them are treatments for the brain, because the brain according to the concept of clustered neural entanglements has become almost a single unit, it revives or atrophies, with a flexible and interactive ability.

If we say that sports support serotonin and adrenaline in the brain, we mean long pathways in the brain, as the brain pathway for adrenaline starts from a nucleus in the brain medulla and extends to reach most areas of the cerebral cortex and the emotional system.

The same applies to prayer, meditation, exposure to sunlight and other behaviors that improve the flow of serotonin in the brain, as the serotonin pathway in the brain is also long, and serotonin rushes through it quickly, improving the performance of most of the brain.

Meeting those we love also increases the flow of serotonin in our brain.

Eating and sleeping healthily are important for the brain, as healthy sleep is divided into two parts: rapid eye movement sleep, in which the brain takes the opportunity to re-manufacture its chemicals and get rid of old neural entanglements, expanding and building new formations. Healthy sleep is extremely important for the brain, to re-prepare itself for a new day, and the second part, non-rapid eye movement sleep, in which the body manufactures the materials it needs and grows and so on, to prepare itself for a new day.

But how do we know if our sleep is healthy or not? Simply put, if the sleep is comfortable for more than 7 hours without interruption and with some pleasant dreams, this is a pleasant and beneficial thing for an adult, in which the brain has achieved its need for healthy sleep.

Healthy eating is a different story. If the food is fresh, balanced, and contains a reasonable amount of carbohydrates, a good amount of proteins, water, minerals, and vitamins, this enables the brain to produce the neurotransmitters it needs, and this is of course if the enzymes that produce neurotransmitters are present.

To understand this more, we must understand this saying: ‘Bananas eliminate depression’

This is a true and false statement at the same time. It is known that the neurotransmitter serotonin is originally composed of tryptophan, the protein found in bananas, but does eating bananas increase the speed of serotonin in the brain? It depends!

If we give the brain a large amount of tryptophan that we get from digesting bananas, tryptophan needs several enzymes to convert to serotonin. However, if these enzymes are not present, tryptophan remains as it is and depression remains as it is!

So does banana eliminate depression? Yes, if the brain has enough enzymes that produce serotonin from tryptophan.

Well, if a person eats well, sleeps comfortably, is exposed to the sun, plays sports, meets his loved ones, and practices meditation and prayer, does that guarantee the production of serotonin, adrenaline, and others in his brain? Of course not, this depends on the presence of amino acids and enzymes that convert simple nutrients into neurotransmitters that do their job to eliminate anxiety and depression.

Well, what does a psychiatrist do to solve the problem: There is a depressed or anxious person who is committed to exercise and eats well, how does the doctor solve this problem for those who suffer from depression? He solves it through medication or psychotherapy sessions or both together. Consulting a psychiatrist who does not tend to use addictive drugs in his treatment plan is very important for many. A healthy mind in a healthy body.

Dr.Ahmed Alsalem

Dr. Ahmed Al Salem works in his clinic as a psychiatrist and mental health specialist. Dr. Ahmed graduated from the Faculty of Medicine / Jordan University of Science and Technology in 2009, and completed his internship year in the Jordanian Ministry of Health hospitals in 2010, then worked as a resident physician, for a year in the Royal Medical Services hospitals in Jordan. In the years 2011-2015 he passed the residency years in psychiatry and obtained the first and second parts of the British Fellowship Examination in Psychiatry 2013-2016 - Holder of the Jordanian Board in Psychiatry 2015. - Licensed by the Arab Board of Psychiatry

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