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Depression treatment

Sadness is one of the feelings that a person may face in his life, and it is not necessarily a punishment from God for man, as well as frustration..

Not every sad person has depression. There are pillars for diagnosing depression as a problem or as a disorder, including:

Persistent inability to enjoy or be sad for a period of two weeks or more and changes in appetite, sleep, focus, energy, activity, and sexual desire.

Important things that should not be overlooked in the subject of depression

Depression contributes to the deterioration of the patient with many physical diseases, especially diabetes and cardiovascular problems.

Depression will become in the year 2020 one of the most important challenges to the world on the health front, if not the most important of them:.

1- Chronic depression affects the size of brain cells

2-stage depression may be part of a depressive disorder (unipolar depression) or it may be part of bipolar disorder.

3- In the stage of bipolar disorder, the patient in such cases may go through a stage in which he suffers from the manic stage (morbid mood elevation) or suffers from the stage of depression.

*Good news for depression patients

1- Mild and moderate depression may be treated without medication, depending on the situation.

2- Exercising, moderate exposure to the sun, proper eating and sleeping, all contribute to improving the mood.

3- There are effective and modern treatment methods in dealing with depression, including:

Psychological sessions such as: cognitive behavioral therapy, psychoanalytic therapy, and family therapy.

Modern antidepressant psychiatric medications, which usually target the increased circulation of the following chemicals in the brain, such as: serotonin, noradrenaline.

Changes caused by depression in the brain are reversed by treatment.

The current depression medications have much fewer side effects than the previous ones.

Social and family support is of paramount importance in psychotherapy in the treatment of depression.

Modern psychiatry adopts the tripartite view of psychotherapy: pharmacological treatment, psychological sessions, and social support.